Sanskrit palaeolithic
Hindi numbers
English white arsenic or vitreous
Botanical name Arsenious oxide
Chemical formula:- As2 O3
Hardness:- 3-4
Option :-

Shankhmush, Sambal, Shankh Vish, Phenasam, Mallak, Somal, Darumusha.
First of all it is mentioned in Chapter 1 of Sushruta Samhita Kalpasthan ‘Phenashma Haritalam Cha Dwe Dhatu Vishe’.
It has been considered in the general category in Rasshastra, being useful in the bonding of mercury etc.
In China, Europe and India, Hazaribagh (Jharkhand), Chitral (Kashmir), Darjeeling of Bengal, Almora district of Uttar Pradesh and Lahore, it is found along with alkali minerals in areas like Kampilak. Artificial arsenopyrite is obtained from factory chimneys.
Number difference:-
Rasaratnasamuchaya Ayurveda Prakash Yogaratnakar Rastarangini on the basis of Varna Rastarangini Tika
- Rhinestone : White color : Shiny like crystal 1. White : Conch-like : Artificial 1. White : Conch-like color: Artificial. 1. White : Artificial 1. White
- Conch : Yellowish White color : Conch-like 2. Yellow : Dadi-like color : Originated from mountains (Shailaj) 2. Blood : Dadimis varna containing: Prakrit (in mineral form) 2. Blood : Mineral 2. Blood
- Haridrabh: Yellow Varna: Similar to Haridra ★ Both of these numbers are poisonous and good in Raskarma. Both of them are worshiped in poison karma and rasakarya. 3. Yellow
Usage :-
(1) For medical economics
(2) To kill enemies with poison
(3) To make medicine in modern medical science
(4) For making glass and paint.
(5) To make fly-killing medicine.
Number Refinement:-
“Sphatikabham shreshtam karvalliphale kshipeta. Svedayed handikamadhe sudho bhavati mouseha”. (R.S. 3/131)
(1) After cutting a large bitter gourd fruit with a crystal number and placing it in the middle of it, the number becomes pure after performing a prahar sweating with the Dola Yantra method.
number killing-
Take 10 grams of pure komal and put it in the center of the caulk of Lajwanti and make shrao sputum.
After drying, cook it with the fire of one kilo of Opal.
★ In this way, when put seven times, Somal becomes ashes. It is very aphrodisiac.
Characteristics of numbers :-
It is aliphatic, rasbandhakar, venom-like and has rasavirya in its properties.
According to Rastaranginikar
Sankhiya aliphatic, Tridoshaghna, Rasbandkar, phlegm, rheumatic, anti-venomous, scorpion, etc., If used for a month, it cures severe respiratory diseases and removes various leprosy.
Slipada, fever, aphrodisiac, anti-fungal, fire-mandya, anomalous fever, antipyretic, chronic pandu disease-killer.
Quantity of number – from 1/120 ratti to 3 ratti.
Number Quantity Formation:-
Mix 15 mashed black pepper powder in one ratti pure number and make one tablet of 1 ratti after grinding it for 3 days in the phlegm and use one tablet in the morning for the treatment of disease.
Number sattvapatan-
Being a compound of arsenic and oxygen, its essence is not very useful.
Still, like Hartal Sattvapatan, it should also be Sattvapatan.
Its essence is auspicious.
Disadvantages of consuming excessive number:-
Due to the strong poison of Sankhiya, a person dies after eating a single quantity. Its lethal quantity is one ratt.
Number poison effect mitigation:
(1) Mixing cow’s milk and sugar candy in milk and giving it.
(2) Feeding the aqueous solution of the tank
(3) Feeding sesame powder mixed with sugar candy and butter.
(4) Feeding bitter gourd.
(5) Ghee mixed with egg yolk.
(6) Dissolve yew flour in water and mix it with honey.
(1) hydrated ferric oxide
(2) Calcite Magnesia
(3) British Anti Liwisite
(4) Demer Captal
Major Yogas of Sankhiya-
(1) Sameerpanang Rasa
(2) Malla sindoor
(3) conch shell RASA
(4) Sannipatbhairav Rasa