कड़क मेटल को नरम बनाना soften hard metal

कृष्ण धतूरे के रस में कड़क स्वर्ण को गला गलाकर 21
बार डालने के बिल्कुल स्वच्छ और नरम होता है।
१०० ग्राम काळा धतूरे का रस निकल कर एक मट्टी
की या तामचीनी के बर्तन में रस डेल फिर कदर मेटल हे उसे पिघल कर इस रास में २१ बार डाले
ऐसा करने से कड़क मेटल एकदम नरम होगा एकदम मुलायम सोने जैसा
Tamravedhi White Copper Bhasma
Take a copper leaf weighing 12 grams and purify
it in the urine of a buffalo, that is, quench it in urine 21 times by heating it.
Then put that copper in the mouse and melt it on the fire and put it
in the buffalo dung 21 times. This copper will be pure,
then after extracting the juice of the tender branches of Karir,
dissolve one or two grams of pure mercury in it and offer that mercury
on the above pure copper sheet and give one gram. After that,
take a wood of curry’s length and six inches round (diameter)
and make a hole in the middle of it and fill it with the pulp
of the tender branches of curer and grind a little icing
on it and give it its fold. Then put that mercury plated copper
sheet on it and again fill it with icing, after that fill the pulp
of curry on it and close the wooden hole with a stopper.
Then dry the cloth with two fingers wide from above, and after giving
a gajput fire in the wild fruits, take it out on the second day after the
disguise is cool. If the ashes come out raw due to less fire, then again
by offering mercury by the above method, give one Gajaputagni.
This perfect-white copper will be ashes and by melting 12 grams
of copper, pouring one ratti in it will make pure gold.
Note- Until white ash is not formed, keep applying paste and put in the above manner. Without turning white, there will be no gold.
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sir as number kay sath pakistani cod 92 lazmi likhna hoga as tarha 9203086304148